Two SDS Students Recieve the ITServe Alliance Scholarship

The beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year brought two of our students some positive news when they were awarded the IT Serve Alliance Scholarship. ITServe CSR (corporate social responsibility) supports underrepresented students interested in STEM careers by offering increased education, better resources, and greater financial help. ITServe supports students in continuing their education by offering scholarship opportunities for those attending community colleges or universities, coming from lower-income families, or experiencing other difficulties due to insufficient needs to finish their job. The School of Data Science students awarded scholarships were Jazmin Lara Leon and Mike Okeke. The students kindly took the time to answer our questions below!
Jazmin Lara Leon’s responses:
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
I am eager to complete my general education requirements, dive headfirst into my degree, and learn from all my great professors! In addition, I will serve as the secretary for the LatinX Honor Society, a group that recognizes and supports the academic and professional achievement of LatinX students.
Any Current Involvement in Data Science (Clubs, internships, jobs, etc.)
Currently, I am involved with the LatinX Honor Society.
What are your plans after graduating?
I’m considering utilizing the School of Data Science Early Entry program to continue my studies for a master’s in Data Science and Business Analytics once I graduate with my bachelor’s degree. As far as a job or career, I am unsure at the moment. However, I’m currently looking at the various fields data scientists can work in. I’m particularly interested in learning more about how data may be used to analyze and study social issues.
Anticipated Graduation Date?
I will be graduating in Spring 2025
Mike Okeke’s responses:
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
My data science courses are what I am looking forward to most this academic year. I’m excited to learn more about machine learning, especially using python coding language to develop machine learning algorithms. Speaking with classmates who took the class before me, they appeared to enjoy the course.
Any Current Involvement in Data Science (Clubs, internships, jobs, etc.)
Right now, I am involved with the School of Data Science Organization and NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers).
What are your plans after graduating?
After I graduate, I want to work in Charlotte while preparing for the GRE so I may apply to accredited master’s programs in analytical or data science.
Anticipated Graduation Date?
My anticipated graduation date is May 2023.
Everyone here at the School of Data Science would like to extend a big congratulations to Jazmin and Mike!